Can we use a boutique commercial real estate firm instead of a large real estate company? A boutique is considered too small to compete with the large real estate companies while too high-end for smaller investors to consider.  These firms have a good team to carry out the transactions smoothly. Boutique firms provide the same multiple listing services that large real estate companies.  They don’t differentiate between the buyer and seller while representing the same properties. The firms are best in serving each client differently. They take utmost care of their needs. They give more importance to customer service and their satisfaction. The impact of the boutique firms is quite high on the customers than the larger real estate company. 

  • The team in the office focuses on serving the needs of each client and is dedicated to each broker’s needs. They provide good options for both buyers and sellers considering the client's rights.  
  • Large real companies cannot customize easily and have lesser freedom than boutique firms.  Broker doesn’t have to wait in the case of boutique firms. This is so because quick communication with the owner or top management is possible in boutique firms. 
  • They aim at choosing the best as they have a small and professional working culture. Boutique firms are struggling and striving towards making their mark in the real estate market. Hence the services provided by them are innovative and highly customized. 
  • In large companies many agents are competing with each other while at a boutique there is no such case and only one client is handled properly. 
  • The members of the local community managed a boutique commercial real estate firm that has a good dedication towards the area. They have a great responsibility of producing result-oriented output.  A brand value and reputation are created with good work in the minds of the clients. 

Devora Realty is a boutique firm building its stand-by expertise services and delivering high efficiency through advanced technology.  The aim is to fulfill client needs and focus on their satisfaction level by offering good properties. 


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